Printmaking > Germination Series

These collages are based on images from nature, specifically a plant’s growth cycle. I bring together diverse textures, vibrant colors and organic shapes through various print process. This results in a visual world where exactness collides with looseness, negative and positive shapes co-exist and split complimentary colors play together. When I collage, I set for myself a framework of opposing forces from which to find balance. It is within this duality of terms (spontaneous/planned, curvy/straight, edgy/contented) where I find the work most interesting.

Sweet Pea
Collage with hand-printed papers
8" x 8"
Poplars at Steamboat
Collage with hand-printed papers
8" x 8"
Leaves and Seeds
Collage with hand-printed papers
8" x 8"
Sprouts and Clouds
Collage with hand-printed papers
8" x 8"